How To Eat Sustainably (Without Going Vegan)

In 2018, food is starting to get a bad name. Food's plastic packaging has been found clogging our rivers, documentaries have delved in to the murky side of the food industry and unsurprisingly, veganism is on the rise as a way to eat without harming the planet.
After all, reports have claimed that the meat industry could be responsible for 51% of global greenhouse gas emissions. But what are you supposed to do if you want to be good to the planet but can't face a life without cheeseburgers? And is a plant basted diet the only we can make a difference with our knife and fork?
The first and most important thing is to really consider where our food comes from. Every day, we make hundreds of small choices about what we eat and each one has a huge effect on the environment.
Before it even reaches our plate, food is raised or grown somewhere in the world, then clipped, shipped, refrigerated, processed, packaged, trucked, stored, sold and cooked. It might feel like the environmental impact of the food industry is beyond our control, but we can all be more mindful of what we put in our mouths and make it better not just for ourselves, but for the entire planet.

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