9 Tips For Pleasuring A Woman With Your Hands

Finger banging is an underrated art. When done right, it's incredibly hot. But whether you're new to sex or an unofficial vagina expert, fingering can be incredibly intimidating — everyone has different preferences, and hey, anatomy is complicated.
They say sex is like pizza: When it's bad, it's still good. We beg to differ, especially when it comes to sex with your hands. For the most part, dry, fast, and furious fingering does not feel pleasant. But wet, built-up, and conscious use of hands on pussy? Oh yeah.
If you're new to this type of sex, it's important to choose partners that are understanding and supportive of your hand virginity. Be honest that this is new to you to create an atmosphere of communication and understanding. And no matter how many times you've done this, it's still important to replicate this environment with each new partner (like we said, everyone's different). That said, it's also helpful to establish a baseline of fingering skills. So here are nine tips on how to finger someone in a pleasurable manner.

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