How To Look Amazing In Photos

Like hearing your own voice on tape, seeing a photo of yourself can be a bit...jarring. Both pixels and film have a way of amplifying any minuscule imperfections on even the most flawless face. So, how come some annoyingly perfect creatures look better than Beyoncé or RyGos in every pic?
Here's the secret: Those models and selfie queens who look incredible in photos aren't necessarily the most beautiful. What they are is skilled. Anyone can learn to look better in pictures — it's a matter of knowing what light to stand in, what angles to work, and how to relax in front of the lens. To help you out, we asked our favourite photographers to give us their most foolproof tips for how to look incredible in pictures. Is your Instagram ready? Your perfect selfie (or, you know, pics taken by actual, other humans) is right this way...

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