Chances Are, You’re Shaving Your Legs Wrong

Photographed by Brayden Olson.
Toothpaste isn't actually an effective method to treat acne, you shouldn't be using 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioners and running your hand through your hair as a claw-come-comb in the gym isn't the same as brushing. But we get it, we're all short on time and money. If you pick up these time-saving, but in the long run naughty habits, they're quite hard to shake.
You may think you're shaving your legs by the book but if you find yourself constantly nicking your skin, scratching ingrown hairs and finding patches of hair here and there, you could well be doing a slap-dash job. Now that it's a scorching 20 degrees outside and we're thinking more and more about shorter shorts and sleeveless dresses it might be time to go back to shaving school.
Your legs shouldn't be bleeding. You shouldn't be coming out in rashes. No bit of you should be stinging and every inch of you should feel smooth as a baby's bot.
If you're a nice and natural kind, we salute you. If you're more of a close-shave Sheila, we're here for you. Here's our simple guide to getting a better shave.

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