How To Wear Athleisure Well

While many of fashion's most famous campaign and catwalk stars play it safe in the standard off-duty model look of skinny jeans, a vest and a leather jacket, Victoria's Secret newest recruit and Moschino regular Leomie Anderson has garnered a massive following for her idiosyncratic style which fuses sports luxe with strong silhouettes and an overall tomboy aesthetic. Leomie documents her coveted streetwear style on her blog Cracked China Cup (warning: you'll be hooked) when she's not flitting between New York and London for major modelling jobs.
"Finally, a trend where you don't have to pick style over comfort!" Anderson explains. "Athleisure (officially added to the dictionary recently) is all about incorporating sportswear elements into your look without it looking like you're leaving the gym. There are many ways to give your outfit an athleisurely touch, check out my guide here..."


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