The 7 Best Mascaras For The Most Sensitive Eyes

Mascara is magical, but only when it's actually on your lashes — not smeared all over your face after rubbing your eyes all day. Red, irritated eyes can ruin your entire makeup look, especially when it's your mascara that's causing the irritation in the first place. Luckily for anyone whose eyes are more sensitive than Lady Gaga every time she talks about A Star Is Born, hypoallergenic mascara exists.
"Eyelids in general are a very sensitive area and a lot of contact allergens can affect the eyelids," says board-certified dermatologist Shari Sperling, MD. "The benefit of hypoallergenic mascara is that it decreases the risk of allergies. You see a lot of allergic reactions on the eyelids because this thin skin is such a sensitive area."
Hypoallergenic options are free of harsh ingredients that can irritate the eyes and skin, and the best part? These products aren't hard to find. We rounded up the best mascaras that won't bring you to tears, ahead.
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