If You've Ever Had Your Heart Broken, These Words Will Hit You Hard

A well-written poem can capture our feelings and lighten our emotional load like little else, and this is particularly true – and reassuring – in times of heartbreak. Writers have always helped readers feel less alone via lengthy verses, novels, plays, films and TV shows, but the recent rise of poetry on social media means it has never been easier to find a short, well-crafted line or verse that gives voice to our messy emotions.
The latest Instapoet making us lean in to our feelings? Lang Leav, a bestselling author and internet sensation with more than 420k Instagram followers, five poetry books and one novel under her belt. Her work is fearless in its exploration of love and heartbreak, and its resonance is evidenced by its overwhelming popularity. Her books have topped bestseller lists the world over.
With Instapoets (and now Astro Poets) blowing up the internet, poetry book sales going from strength to strength, superstars like Beyoncé sampling poetry in their work, and spoken-word events considered increasingly fashionable, poetry is now cool – and so are the feelings it inspires. Refinery29 spoke to Leav, who lives in Auckland, New Zealand, about love and heartbreak in the age of the Instapoet.
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