Your 2024 Love & Sex Horoscope Is Here & It’s All About To Get Hot

Illustrated by Jess Ebsworth.
Everyone wants love… Or do they? With Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, making its re-entrance into Aquarius on 24th January of this year, we may initially have the impression that there are too many things going on globally to focus on love and romance — but this is an illusion. Remember that the word “love” is included, backwards, in the word “revolution”. And Aquarius represents revolutionary energy. So choosing to wholeheartedly love yourself and others this year and beyond is one of the most revolutionary acts you can do. 
It may not be until the Astro New Year strikes on 19th March, followed by Mars’ entrance into Pisces on 22nd March, that you start to truly understand what I just referred to, so be kind to yourself if you start off the year feeling more emotionally detached than usual. Eclipse season in March and April will also spark greater flames of passion and intimacy into all zodiac signs’ lives, as the lunar eclipse in Libra on 25th March highlights our relationship needs, encouraging us to find a balance between how much we care for others, and how much we pour into ourselves. Then the total solar eclipse in Aries on 8th April helps us shoot our shot — or welcome the right advances from our love interest(s) — which could lead to the manifestation or deepening of our ideal relationships by the time the Aries full moon strikes 17th October. 
If you’re single, Jupiter’s entrance into Gemini on 25th May will have you in the mood to mingle and not necessarily be tied down for the 13 months to follow. Coupled? This transit may test you and your relationship by encouraging you to release possessive tendencies and create greater freedom — and perhaps even provide more space — in your relationship with your partner(s). We may also see a rise in polyamory or open relationships during Jupiter in Gemini’s transit. 
When it comes to sex, predicting your sex life can best be done by studying the Venus and Mars placements in your natal chart and seeing which sectors will be most activated by the Venus and Mars transits happening this year. But on a general level, Venus’ transit through Taurus from 29th April to 23rd May, as well as Mars’ transit through Aries from 30th April to 9th June may be some of the spiciest and most orgasmic periods of time for all zodiac signs, as both Venus and Mars feel quite sexy in their home signs. The partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on 17th September may also heighten our sexual appetites, encouraging us to explore BDSM, tantric sex and sensual foreplay with our lover(s). The wetter, the better. 

Aries Sun & Rising: 

Aries, as a sign ruled by Mars, the Planet of Sex, you’re known for your strong sex drive and sexually stimulating nature. But as the year begins, you’ll be more focused on career, friendship and spirituality during Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces Season. Once the Astro New Year begins on the 19th, followed by a total solar eclipse in your sign on 8th April, you’ll experience a rebirth that ignites more romantic and flirtatious flames within you. You won’t necessarily be looking for “the one” at this time, but rather celebrating the fact that you yourself are the one — and this will make you even more magnetic and alluring to secret and not-so-secret admirers. 
Once Mars enters your sign on 29th April (and remains there until 9th June), you’ll feel quite turned on sexually, and by life in general. You may have very invigorating sexual experiences during this six-week transit, particularly because Venus, the Planet of Love, will be in its home sign of Taurus for most of this transit. Venus and Mars feel good when they’re in their home signs, so you’ll be feeling yourself (even more than usual). Use this attention wisely, because you could end up leading people on just because you enjoy their attention, and this could end up hurting both you and others in the end. Only flirt or make moves on people you genuinely want to be with, and if it’s a short-term hookup that you’re seeking, the key is to be transparent and honest about your intentions. The same goes for if you’re seeking something serious — make your desires clear from the get-go and avoid playing mind games to get what you want. 
The Libra solar eclipse on 2nd October lights up your sector of partnership and romance, making it an ideal time to start a new relationship if you feel ready to. Keep in mind that Chiron, the asteroid that deals with our inner wounds, remains in your sign until 2026, so avoid using sex as a way to gain power in relationships — instead slow down the pace and consider exploring tantric sex to increase the pleasure of all parties involved, while deepening trust. 

Taurus Sun & Rising: 

Taurus, having Jupiter, the Planet of Abundance, in your sign during the first five months of the year will increase the love you have for your own self, first and foremost. Once Venus spends time in your sign from 29th April to 23rd May, you may attract exciting romantic prospects. If you’re single, this period of time is ideal for putting yourself out there and going on dates with people who are drawn to your passionate and magnetic nature. If you’re boo’d up, Venus’ transit in its home sign will intensify the emotional and sexual attraction between you and your partner(s), or alternatively if you’re unsatisfied in your relationship you may choose to call it quits during Venus’ stay in Taurus, because you’ll be more pertinently aware of your worth. 
Sexually speaking, Mars’ presence in Aries from 30th April to 9th June may be some of your spiciest moments, but interestingly also some of your softest and most intimate. Your sector of spirituality, healing and closure will be activated by Mars in Aries, helping you associate sex with spirituality rather than solely a much-needed physical release. This will also help you connect with your lover(s) in a more profound and mutually nurturing way, largely due to the fact that Chiron, the asteroid which represents our inner wounds, will also be in Aries. 
Jupiter’s four-month retrograde through Gemini on 9th October could lead to you second guessing some of the romantic decisions you made in previous months — take your time when cultivating or growing connections rather than trying to rush or commit during this retrograde. Scorpio Season, however, is by far one of your most sexually invigorating periods of the year, and your intimate partnerships will go through radical shifts and rebirths during this season as well. You’ll find yourself having intense sexual fantasies around this time, and hopefully you’ll have attracted the partner(s) who can keep up with your heightened stamina and supercharged sensuality. 

Gemini Sun & Rising: 

Gemini, you’re one of the cosmic favourites this year, as Jupiter spends most of the year in your sign starting 25th May. The first five months of the year you’ll be focused on sexual healing, mainly with your own self, due to Jupiter’s presence in Taurus, highlighting your sector of spirituality, healing,and closure. But once Jupiter enters your sign you’ll feel like a caterpillar that’s morphed into a butterfly, and you’ll be ready to find your mate(s). 
Single Geminis may not be in the mood to settle down just yet, as Jupiter in Gemini’s energy is all about exploration and adventure. Coupled Geminis may find that it’s essential to give themselves and their partner(s) more space to do their own thing during this transit — it’ll only make the reconnection even steamier and irresistible. The key is to maintain the trust, transparency, and mutual honesty even if you do take more time apart than usual. And avoid playing mind games during Jupiter in Gemini, because Jupiter does have to do with karma, and whatever you put out into the cosmos will come back to you, multiplied. 
Once Jupiter begins its four-month retrograde in your sign on 9th October, you’ll be in more of a hermit mode. You may not be craving sex with others as much during this time, but you’ll be focused on cultivating a deeper connection with your own self, which could lead to orgasmic self-pleasuring sessions that take you over the edge and remind you that you are your primary lover first and foremost. Sag Season starts on 22nd November though, and since it lights up your partnership sector it’ll serve as a contrast to your loner mood — your sexual energy may experience a boost around this time, allowing your lover(s) to fall more deeply in love with you. 

Cancer Sun & Rising: 

This year, Cancer, the Libra lunar eclipse on 25th March deepens your need to merge sexually and emotionally with those you trust. Casual sex won’t be of any interest to you, particularly in the first half of the year as Jupiter completes its stay in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus stimulates your sector of friendship and social networks, so single Cancers may connect with someone they vibe with via social media or dating apps. Don’t feel like you’re above these dating tools, because you’re likely to be pleasantly surprised by who you attract (largely due to Uranus, the Planet of Surprise, shifting direct in Taurus for seven months starting 27th January and further activating that sector of your life). 
Once Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, enters Gemini on 25th May, the focus shifts to your spiritual needs as a lover. If you’ve had the habit of giving more than you’ve been receiving, Jupiter in Gemini will help you vocalise your needs in your primary partnerships, and set boundaries if you feel taken for granted. Do not expect people to be mind readers. Get clear about what you need from them (and from your own self) to feel fulfilled — they’ll most likely find your assertiveness to be sexy and attractive. 
July is likely to be one of the most erotic months of the year for you. Not only will it be Cancer Season (and you’re very much in your element when the sun’s in your sign), but the Cancer new moon on 5th July sets you up for a six-month chapter of sexual awakening. Venus’ entrance into Leo on 11th July helps you explore new sexual possibilities and positions, further amping up your self-confidence and sex appeal. 
Since you’re ruled by the moon, keep an eye out for the lunar eclipse in Pisces on 17th September — you may find that someone you’ve dreamt of making love with appears or reappears in your life around this time, and that they want to make love to you too. Life may feel more like a fairytale as we enter the fourth quarter of the year, however Mars’ retrograde through Leo on 6th December may temporarily dampen your fun as it encourages you to make sure that you’re choosing romantic connections based on what your heart truly wants, and not what your ego tells you to go for. 

Leo Sun & Rising: 

Leo, the year starts off by highlighting your desire for unconventional, reciprocal and adventurous relationships. Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, re-enters your opposite sign of Aquarius on 20th January, preparing you for a 20-year chapter of sexual and intellectual awakening in this realm of your life. If you’ve been mostly focused on your wellness and health during Pluto’s 16-year transit through Capricorn, you may be caught off-guard by how much love and relationships seem to take precedence this year and beyond. Use the full moon in your sign on 25th January to get clear about mindsets that serve you as a lover, and release the ones that harm you. 
Mars’ presence in Aries from 30th April to 9th June highlights a desire for meeting new people and exploring foreign countries. If you’re single, you may meet your match while travelling internationally or via a dating app. Aries energy is about living in the moment rather than projecting yourself into the future, so try your best to enjoy whatever romantic connection emerges without having to control or manipulate it. 
Once Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, enters Gemini on 25th May (for a 13-month stay), you’ll notice yourself loving in a more open-minded way, and even if you’re in a relationship you may find it harder to restrain yourself from being flirtatious and charming with those you feel attracted to. The key is to remain transparent and honest with your partner(s) rather than pretending that it’s not the case. 
Once Mars enters your sign on 3rd November, your lover(s) will find you absolutely irresistible, and if you’re single you’re likely to attract the type of connections that you’ve been manifesting all year, making this one of the most auspicious times for having wildly satisfying sex. But Mars will also shift retrograde in your sign on 6th December, so as the year winds down don’t be surprised if you go from being sexually insatiable to suddenly not wanting anyone to touch you. If you’ve felt called to practice sexual abstinence, Mars’ retrograde in your sign is an ideal time to begin. 

Virgo Sun & Rising: 

Virgo, with Saturn, the Planet of Challenge, remaining in your opposite sign of Pisces all year long (along with Neptune, the Planet of Fantasy), your relationship sector is activated, and you’re being asked to prioritise your romantic desires rather than placing them on the back burner. Pisces Season is likely to be one of the most sexually enticing periods of the year for you, and you may find yourself lost in fantasies of making love to your crush, your current partner, or even a past flame. 
There will be three Mercury retrogrades this year (1st April to 25th April, 6th August to 28th August, and 25th November to 15th December) — these are the periods of time where you’re more likely to go back to an ex or be courted by someone from your past. Check in with your soul when making decisions, and don’t let your horniness or loneliness cause you to go back to a situation you had evolved from. 
Once Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, enters Gemini on 25th May, you may find yourself blending business with pleasure, whether you mean to or not. A hidden office romance may emerge around this time (rendezvous in the supply room, anyone?), or one of your coworkers could connect you with a friend or colleague who rocks your life and knows how to hit the spot. You’re attracted to danger and living on the edge this year, Virgo, but don’t let your sexual urges sabotage the work you’ve put in to build your empire. 
During Virgo Season, not only will people find themselves magnetically drawn to your enigmatic nature, but the lunar eclipse in Pisces on 17th September serves to reveal your truest intentions in your love life. Even if you’ve tried to act too cool for school or pretend that love isn’t a priority for you, this eclipse will remove the barriers you’ve placed around your heart and have you vulnerable and expressing what it is that you really seek, sexually and emotionally. And it’s due to your bravery that you’ll end up supremely satisfied as you prepare to enter quarter four — prepare for your world to be rocked, both in and out of the bedroom. 

Libra Sun & Rising: 

Libra, this year, the South Node’s presence in your sign could lead to you serendipitously connecting with someone who feels like a twin flame or karmic soul tie. This means that even if you try to deny the connection, your heart will be drawn to this individual time and time again. There are key lessons for you to learn from this person, and vice versa, and the lunar eclipse in your sign on 25th March may enlighten you to sexual and emotional desires you had previously suppressed. Make sure that you’re expressing your weirdest kinks and fetishes to your lover(s) rather than trying to remain coy or mysterious. Chances are, they have some revelations to share with you too, and this will only make your sex life more adventurous and satisfying. 
On 25th May, Jupiter shifts into your fellow air sign of Gemini for the next 13 months and lights up your sector of sector of long distance, expansion and philosophy. Single Libras will be drawn to people who come from different backgrounds and cultures than they do. If you have the opportunity to travel during Jupiter in Gemini, you’re likely to have wildly exciting sexual experiences while abroad. Even reading romance or erotic novels will turn you on more than usual during this transit. One thing to beware of during Jupiter in Gemini, however, is that you may unintentionally (or even intentionally) lead others on, or if you’re in a relationship, you may toe the line between faithfulness and infidelity. 
Use the new moon solar eclipse in your sign on 2nd October to get clear about what your values are as a lover and partner. The intentions you set for yourself and your relationships at this time will serve you for the six months to follow, so get specific and choose to believe in the best-case scenario while also focusing on how you can be a better lover to your own self first. 

Scorpio Sun & Rising: 

Scorpio, ever since 2018 Uranus, the Planet of Surprise, has been hanging out in your opposite sign of Taurus, it’s caused much disruption in your love and partnership sector (and that’s an understatement). You may have even become jaded or cynical about love. The fact that your planetary ruler Pluto is entering the emotionally detached sign of Aquarius this year (for the next 20 years) doesn’t do much to help the situation, but fear not my friend — the universe still has love for you. You just have to be willing to see, receive and accept it. 
Since Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, is in Taurus until 25th May, the cosmos wants you to take the slow and steady route to cultivating relationships, and it also wants you to make sure you feel a full-body YES before having sex with anyone (this includes a long-time partner, as your needs are allowed to change even in a committed relationship). You’ll be rewarded for cultivating this sense of discernment and patience, for once Jupiter enters Gemini on 25th May your sector of merging and intimacy will be activated and you’ll feel like a caterpillar that’s emerged from its cocoon. You’ll also feel a strong sexual awakening during Jupiter’s transit in Gemini, helping you emerge from your Scorpio shell and let your erotic nature lead the way. 
Jupiter in Gemini, a transit that lasts 13 months, is your butterfly era. You’ll want to flutter around and connect with new beings, but you’ll also find yourself supremely selective about who gets access to your portal and who gets a taste of your honey. You may be known as the sex sign, but people don’t always realise that it means you want to merge fully with your lover(s), mind, body, and soul. You want to feel consumed by love. The Libra eclipses of this year (8th April and 2nd October) will allow you to achieve a balance between sexual and emotional pleasure, particularly if you’re making love with someone who intellectually stimulates you too. For you, that’s the ideal trifecta!

Sagittarius Sun & Rising: 

Sagittarius, you’ll experience two distinct sexual and romantic realities this year due to your planetary ruler Jupiter spending the first five months of the year in the grounded sign of Taurus, encouraging you to focus on self-care, wellness, and your daily routine. During this time you’ll be less interested in making small talk with people — you’ll only want to connect with those who contribute to improving your life. People may feel like you’ve changed, but what’s really happening is that you don’t want anyone to waste your time, and you’re not going to hide it. 
Once Jupiter shifts into Gemini for 13 months starting 25th May, things lighten up considerably as your sector of love and partnership is activated. You’ll be feeling more dynamic, flirtatious, spontaneous and daring during this transit, and it’ll become evident in your sexual decisions. Due to your more free-spirited nature, it’ll be essential to continue to practice safe sex and to be transparent with your partner(s) about your deeds and desires. If not, you could end up in situations that you regret once Jupiter begins its retrograde motion on 9th October. 
The Aries full moon on 17th October (and the four days that precede and follow it) is likely to be the most tantalising time for you, sexually speaking, as your sector of fate and true love will be activated by this lunation. Think back to the romantic and sexual intentions you set for yourself six months prior, at the start of the astro new year in March. Many of them will have unfolded by quarter four — and you may have exceeded your own romantic expectations. 

Capricorn Sun & Rising: 

Capricorn, with your planetary ruler Saturn remaining in the ethereal sign of Pisces all year long, you’ll be feeling and acting in a more romantic, dreamy, and sensual way than most are used to. Saturn’s transit — combined with the fact that Pluto will leave your sign for the majority of this year and re-enter Aquarius, activating your self-esteem sector and boosting your ingeniousness in bed — will make you one of the most sought-after romantic contenders of the zodiac. You don’t have to chase anyone… Your romantic contenders will be swarming around you. 
Don’t let all of this get to your head though, as Jupiter’s continued transit through Taurus (up until 25th May) is asking you to make your romantic and sexual decisions based on your values, and not simply because you have options. Capricorn may be one of the most serious signs of the zodiac, but what many people don’t realise is that they also have player tendencies, because they want the best of the best, and they don’t want to settle. Use Jupiter’s presence in Taurus to get clear with yourself about the type of lover(s) you want in your life — that way, you’re not leading people on as you try to figure out your needs. It’s once you’re clear on your own desires that you’ll be able to attract and maintain them in your life. 
Jupiter’s entrance into Gemini on 25th May (where it’ll remain for 13 months) will make you more focused on your sexual and emotional health, while Cancer Season is likely to be one of the most sensual love-making periods of the year. If you’ve been in a situationship that’s left you feeling unsure or uncertain, it’s advised to use Jupiter’s transit in Gemini to be transparent about where you stand and where you want the relationship to go, or else you’ll end up feeling mentally and physically stressed out by the situation, especially once Jupiter begins its retrograde on 9th October. All in all, the year 2024 encourages you to come out of your comfort zone sexually and experiment with new positions and propositions, further enticing your partner(s) and leaving them craving more. 

Aquarius Sun & Rising: 

Aquarius, now that Pluto is settling into your sign for the majority of this year (it’ll be in your sign from 20th January to 1st September, and then starting 19th November it’ll re-enter your sign for a 20-year stretch), you’re noticing that your confidence in yourself is increasing. This will naturally attract more romantic partners in your orbit, and while this may flatter your ego, you also have extremely high standards, which is why you prefer riding solo unless it’s 100% clear that you’re meant to be in partnership with someone. 
Your mission this year is to be aware of your high standards without letting them become walls that block out people who could be a great fit, even if you don’t initially realise this. Eclipse season will help open your eyes, particularly the solar eclipse in Aries on 8th April. An admirer or someone who’s been wanting you for months may suddenly emerge and reveal their feelings for you in a way that’s so sexy that you may want to tear their clothes off and jump their bones immediately upon hearing their confession. But of course, being the coy and seemingly detached air sign that you are, you’re likely to put them through a bit of a mental maze before granting them access to your body, and especially to your soul. This may be a good thing, particularly while Jupiter remains in Taurus until 25th May, because making sexual decisions impulsively this year could harm you in the end. 
Once Jupiter enters Gemini on the 25th, however, you’ll be in a more free-flowing mood, and this could lead to you not seeking immediate commitments, but rather fun and open relationships. Your sector of true love and fate is activated by Jupiter in Gemini, so while you’ll initially appear to be in a no-strings-attached state of mind, you’re likely to connect with one of your soulmates during this 13-month transit, or deepen the connection you already have with a current partner. Many Aquarians could find themselves moving in with their partner, getting engaged, or even tying the knot during this auspicious transit. Accept the abundance coming your way. 

Pisces Sun & Rising: 

Pisces, this year Saturn remains in your sign, teaching you the power of patience when it comes to cultivating a long-lasting, healthy relationship. Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, spends most of the year in Aquarius, highlighting a need for strong spiritual bonds in your life. While your sexual stamina will still be strong due to both Saturn and Neptune (one of your planetary rulers and the Planet of Fantasy) hanging out in your sign, you’ll be most turned on by people who are emotionally present with you, and who accept your shadows just as much, if not more, than your light. 
There are two eclipses this year that are likely to stimulate you sexually — the Aries solar eclipse on 8th April, and the lunar eclipse in your sign on 17th September. If you’ve been abstaining from sexual intimacy during most of Saturn in Pisces, set intentions around the astrological new year in March and April and get clear about who you want to attract when it comes to sexual and romantic partners. Let yourself dream vividly and do not think that what you’re asking for is too good to be true. The key is to condition your mind to understand your worth and value, and to expect what you desire (or better) to manifest in your life. By the time your lunar eclipse strikes in September, you’ll see why believing in your manifestation abilities was so important. 
Your other ruler Jupiter spends the second half of this year in the sign of Gemini, and since Gemini energy is mutable like you, there will be an element of unpredictability that is a constant theme in your love life this year. Just when you thought you knew someone you were with, they may show you a side of themselves that’s brand new to you. You may also surprise your own self with your own multiplicity. While it may at times feel destabilising, the elements of the unknown will turn you on sexually, allowing you to showcase hidden desires and kinks to your partner(s), which will stimulate your minds and bodies even further.

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