Here's How To Meal Prep According To Your Horoscope

Photographed by Ted Cavanaugh.
New year, new food resolution. As much as we aspire to undo all that holiday budget damage by eating out less in January, selecting the prime meal-plan for our particular habits and schedules can be a lost cause. Ultimately we find ourselves jumping to extremes (like, I will cook every, single day for a month) and winding up in over our culinary heads — resorting to takeout pizza by week two. But not this year!
This year we decided to get a little more astrological with our aspirations by matching food resolutions with our corresponding horoscopes. Scroll ahead to streamline your January meal-planning success with a comprehensive list that's curated for your zodiac sign. It's time to start thinking of 2018 as a new year, new food adventure.

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