Money Diary: A 31-Year-Old With Incurable Cancer On 32k

Welcome to Money Diaries, where we're tackling what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. We're asking a cross-section of women how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period – and we're tracking every last penny.
This week: "I was diagnosed with incurable stage four cancer last year and my only NHS-approved treatment option didn’t work. I’m on paid sick leave at the moment while I wait to find out whether I will be accepted onto a clinical trial for life-extending treatment. There’s a reasonable chance that I won’t make it to 2020. My finances took a huge hit when I was first diagnosed with cancer almost three years ago, and they’ve never really recovered. Right now I struggle to find a balance between splashing out on bucket list items and stress-relieving treats, and saving to make sure that I have enough money for when my sick leave runs out – or a miracle happens and I actually survive. Preserving my financial independence is also very important to me, although I know that someday I will have to rely on my husband more. Anyway, I'm feeling surprisingly well at the moment so I really want to make every day count!"
Industry: Publishing
Age: 31
Location: Home counties
Salary: £32,000
Paycheque amount: £1,860 plus approx. £570 in benefits
Number of housemates: One (my husband, D)
Monthly Expenses
Housing costs: £1,315 (I split this with D, so I pay £658)
Loan payments: £92 student loan
Utilities: £150 maybe? I pay £940 per month into our joint account to cover rent, bills and our groceries, and don't really notice what goes where.
Transportation: £40-60 for incidental trips but no more as I have a disabled person’s bus pass. We have a car but I’m not insured on it at the moment, so D covers the running costs by himself. My blue badge means that we get reduced/free parking in some places. I recently bought a disabled person’s railcard to get cheaper train fares, too.
Phone bill: £20
Savings? Varies – usually £200-£600 per month but it’s all for short-term use (i.e. when sick pay runs out).
Other: Netflix £7.99, gym membership £30, monthly direct debits to various charities £22, cleaner £42.
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