The 10 Most Random Things That Will Get You In Trouble At Airport Security
Catching a plane is never not stressful: Even the most seasoned traveler among us can get held up at security screening. With regulations constantly being tightening and changes being made all the time, it's not uncommon to end up with a few surprises — whether its having the contents of your luggage confiscated or the need to go through additional screening — when you go through airport security.
Normally, having to spend additional time to get security clearance is not a big deal, but it can seriously mess things up if you're on a time crunch and need to head to the gate ASAP.
"The number-one tip to breeze through airport security is to dress appropriately: Avoid wearing belts, jewellery, accessories, or excessive layers," says John Bernasconi, a representative for Stratos Jets, a brand that recently conducted a study on TSA claims. "When it comes to what you can and can't bring in a carry-on, the biggest source of confusion is that some of the banned items seem arbitrary or unreasonable. But, they are obviously on the no-fly list due to security concerns and intel most passengers are unaware of."
To make your journey from the check in counter to the departure gate as smooth and painless as possible, we've compiled a list of unexpected items that are either banned or can get you stopped and searched at a screening checkpoint.