A Dancer, Waitress & Actor On Moving Back Home Due To Coronavirus

Photo Courtesy of Ruby.
While key workers up and down the UK continue to operate as usual, a large proportion of the population has been ordered to work from home in an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19. For some jobs, the transition to an at-home office is easy but other industries are struggling to stay afloat, with retail workers, hospitality staff and those working in the arts suffering as a result.
For countless shift and freelance workers in the UK, the coronavirus outbreak has meant the loss of regular work, leaving many without the means to pay rent or bills. Unlike those in full-time employment, the financial aid available for those who work in the gig economy is delayed or lacking, forcing many young people to return to their family home.
Moving back in with parents is an all too familiar concept for young people nowadays; data from the Office for National Statistics in 2017 showed that one in four people aged 20-34 live at home with their parents. As the economic effects of COVID-19 continue to unfold, this number is set to rise. And while government guidelines currently advise against all house moves, many renters have been left with little option but to leave their current living situation in exchange for their family home.
With self-isolating measures likely to continue for a while longer, this trend will surely grow. Ahead, we speak to three women who have moved back in with their parents due to the pandemic…

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