15 People Who Moved For Love Spill On How It Worked Out

Illustration by Seung Chun
Of all the things that can come between romance, distance has to be one of the most unfair. It makes sense that not everyone we fall for is going to live within a bus ride of us, but for those considering making the move for love, or having their significant other come to them, there's a lot to weigh up.
Are there job opportunities in the area? Can you afford the move? Is the culture compatible with your lifestyle? Have you lived together before? Can you see yourself having a community there? And plenty more to ask yourself. Long-distance relationships are hard, and sometimes the problems really are rooted in geography. But moving isn't always a fix-all solution.
Obviously, everyone's situation is different, and the choice isn't just personal when there are things like family, friends and work to factor into the decision. As much as relationships can fulfil us, we all need a life of our own outside of our partners, too.
What often helps with life decisions like these, though, is hearing about other people's experiences. So to gain some insight into how it has or has not worked, we mined the threads of Reddit for stories about taking the leap.
Ahead, 15 people share their thoughts and stories about moving for love.

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