7 Women On Caring For Their Natural Curls In Quarantine

A woman with beautiful natural hair poses in a yellow pattered dress and colorful accessories.
Photographed by Jessica Garcia.
There's no one-size-fits-all way of taking care of your natural hair. Some people find a few trusty go-tos and repurchase again and again; others tap into their inner product junkie and test-drive new market innovations until they settle down with the one(s). No matter where you fall on the spectrum, the most important thing is that you find what works for you and your hair.
For many of us, caring for our curls on our own during the pandemic has left us with a lot of time to sift out the products that don't really serve us vs. the ones we really love. We asked seven women with natural hair to spill about the products and routines that have held them down over the past year, ahead.
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