Refinery29 Staff Share Their Netflix Hidden Gems

Image Courtesy of Netflix.
Countless TV shows, films and documentaries get added to Netflix every single week, so why do we turn to Friends for the 50668th time on a hungover Sunday rather than search for something we haven't seen?
With brand new content flying at us at all hours of the day, small releases can get lost in the fray, meaning that we often resort to our comfort shows rather than seek out a hidden gem.
But just because something hasn’t landed in your recommendations doesn’t mean it isn’t worth watching, which is why Refinery29 staffers are here to help you dig a little deeper and unearth a host of hidden treasures in the Netflix back catalogue.
From fascinating documentaries to foreign reality TV shows, the streaming platform has boatloads of quality content just waiting to be watched, much of which hasn't got the viewing love it rightly deserves.
So with the nights officially getting darker and the weather making us reluctant to leave our beds ever again, it's time to settle in with your favourite snacks and discover the streaming platform's unsung heroes. Click through to see team R29's Netflix hidden gems.

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