28 Looks We're Copying This February

Face facts: winter will be here for longer than we want. The sooner we accept that reality, the more bearable the wait for spring shall be. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, we can make the best of what we've got — and that means reviving that vintage coat you thought you were done with, layering the summer pieces you thought you'd have to wait months to wear, or injecting some much-needed colour into your neutrals-only repertoire (we get it: we do it too).
For us, dressing in February is even more special — it's Fashion Month, and all the shows and street style slideshows encourage us to experiment; to try out trends we once saw as unapproachable, and to push ourselves beyond our comfort zones. Extra large blanket scarves? Rainbow plaid? Purple wool coats? It's all here, and it's all yours for the taking.

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