Where You've Seen Nick Robinson Before

Photo: J. Countess/WireImage.
Love, Simon tells the heartwarming coming-out-story of a closeted high school senior named Simon Spier, played by 22-year-old Nick Robinson. On the surface, Simon's life is perfect, and he knows it. He loves his family, his friends, his dog, and his life. But, he is gay, and while not ashamed of himself, he is struggling with telling his loved ones the secret that he's been harbouring. He wants to wait to come out until university (doesn't everyone plan on a new life after secondary school?), but things change when he starts corresponding over intense emails with another mysterious classmate who is also nervous to come out.
Like many, you may be wondering, who is this actor that plays Simon and why does he look so damn familiar? Robinson has had a lucrative career in Hollywood, but this will finally be the project to make him become a household name. As Simon, he is charming, tall, approachable, and cute, but not too cute. But his previous roles display an even broader range: he's played troubled drug addicts, devoted boyfriends, and dinosaur dodgers. But I have a feeling he'll most fondly be remembered as just Simon.
Love, Simon hits cinemas on Friday 6th April, so let's play a quick game of catch up on the film's leading man. (And while you're at it, don't forget to take note of Katherine Langford's blossoming career, too.)
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