6 Packed Lunch Hacks To Steal From Your School Days

Photo: Stockfood USA.
There are people who are really good at packing their lunch every day, but many of us fall somewhere along the spectrum of "will do it reluctantly" to "will inevitably end up running to Pret three times a week." As much as we tend to think of responsibly packed lunches from home as a challenge of adulting, in reality, some of us have been enjoying them since our primary school days.
We looked back at the best packing strategies for kids' lunches and realised that they can work for grown-ups, too. (Not to mention make our weekday mornings that much easier.)
Whether you never pack lunch or are just looking to step up your game, here are eight easy tips that are way too good not to use, even as adults. If you'd rather not go the way of Disney characters and Ribena cartons at this point in your life, don't worry — we've also got some slightly more mature ways to implement them.

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