6 Smart Ways To Store Your Shoes

Shoes. The ultimate wardrobe revamp-er, the best pick-me-up known to woman, the ultimate pay day treat. No wonder we obsess, lust after, and collect them – and it's no surprise either that our wardrobes and cupboards are crammed full of them. It’s all very well if you have a walk-in wardrobe like Manolo uber-fan Carrie Bradshaw, but what are the rest of us mere mortals supposed to do with our shoe hoards? Even the most streamlined ‘one outfit’ women have probably acquired more pairs than they know what to do with over the years – after all, shoes are perhaps the only thing in your wardrobe that’ll fit you your whole life (depressing, but true). Part with them? Never! We’d rather live life like an episode of The Hoarder Next Door than sacrifice them. Thankfully, that won’t be necessary, as we’ve rounded up six stylish ways to store your shoes. Walk this way…


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