Flying Solo: 10 Experienced Solo Travelers Share Their Best Advice For First Timers
Doing anything alone can be daunting. Throw in airport anxiety, long flights, language barriers, and completely unfamiliar cities, and kicking it solo may feel insurmountable. For many millennial women, however, the empowering feeling of traveling on their own completely out-weighs the intimidating parts. After ripping off the plaster and jumping into one solo trip, these travellers now can't get enough, and they have plenty of knowledge about the best approaches to going stag on vacation.
Ahead, you'll find the best pieces of advice about traveling alone from experienced solo vacationers. Together, these ten women have gone on well-over 70 solo trips, so they know a thing or two about what to pack, what do to do, and how to stay safe. They have practical tips about planning and helpful thoughts on perspective. Read up and soon, you too will be ready to fly solo.