7 Recipes That Make The Most Of A Tin Of Tomatoes

Photo Courtesy of A Saucy Kitchen.
If you had to assemble a pantry of kitchen staples ahead of, say, a global pandemic, what would be the key players? Oil, salt, pepper, onions, garlic, various pulses and grains and probably (definitely) tinned tomatoes.
With that base and a quick delve into your spice cupboard you can head out into so many different cuisines: Italian, Indian, Mexican, American, Turkish, Greek. Tinned tomatoes are the great equaliser; whether you're relatively new to the kitchen or an aficionado, someone who likes things simple or an adventurous cook, a tin of tomatoes is a steady friend to turn to when you're feeling peckish.
So it's no wonder they were the first thing to disappear (together with pasta and toilet paper) from supermarket shelves when waves of fear about the pandemic started rippling across the UK. Happily, as we settle into this new normal and are reassured that food supplies aren't falling short, it's becoming easier to get hold of that canned red goodness.
With that in mind, we've pulled together some of our favourite recipes featuring tinned tomatoes to give you some inspiration if you feel like making something more than a basic marinara. That said, when done right you can't fault it.