Refinery29's Favourite Vegan & Veggie Alternatives To Turkey

Photo: Via Lazy Cat Kitchen
If there's one good thing to remember 2018 for, it's that it was the year in which seemingly everyone took stock of how much meat they were eating and attempted to make a change; either in a bid to be healthier or to try and help the planet. One recent survey estimated that veganism has soared by 700% in the UK in the past two years alone (although we should probably take this figure with a pinch of salt).
In any case, a lot of people are looking at vegan (or veggie) Christmas dinners this year – which may not please your grandparents who find meals without meat as alien as Snapchat. To prove to them (and the rest of your family) that cutting out meat doesn't mean a life sentence of dried beans and lettuce leaves, you're going to need to produce a standout turkey alternative.
Luckily, you've got some help. We asked some of Refinery29's most accomplished culinary veggies and vegans to weigh in with their best tried-and-tested turkey alternatives. Click through to find out what they said.

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