Your Horoscope This Week: 16th January to 22nd January, 2022


The week begins with a heavy and emotional full moon in Cancer, which opposes the Sun in Capricorn conjunct Pluto. There’s an understanding between the stars and between the Earthlings who study them that even those of who have private cause for celebration are steeped in the thick grief that weighs down the collective, a grief that runs deep even as it nurtures resilience in many of those who observe it. Resilience is not the same as vitality, however, and with Mars still making a waning square to Neptune, a sense of general exhaustion is enduring. Still, we, like the planets, press on, however recklessly. Mercury in Aquarius, stationed retrograde on the 14th, makes a sextile to Chiron in Aries on the 18th, tempting us towards more than a little wound-dwelling. While results may vary, chances are good that the more you can limit your excavation to healing spaces (like therapy, grief groups, or dedicated internet spaces) the better for everyone involved. On 18th January, ungovernable Uranus stations direct at 10 degrees while our true node retrograde transit shifts under the last degrees of persistent Taurus, still working off a tense square to Jupiter in Pisces. Perhaps this a tension between what Taurus knows they can will into existence and the que sera sera mentality a Pisces brings to the very end of a rope. Of course, in reality, the rope doesn’t end. Or, if it does, then it’s simply one of many ropes, many ways of getting from here to there — something the Sun in Capricorn’s trine to Taurus true node is sure to remind us on the 19th before the Sun shifts into enterprising Aquarius later that day. The Sun in Aquarius makes a conjunction to Mercury in Aquarius on the 23rd, and while retrogrades abound, there’s something to be said about taking the time to make sure that everyone is not only on the same page but on the same planet before moving forward – especially if those moves affect a wider audience.

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