Your Horoscope This Week: 29th May to 4th June, 2022


This week, we bid May farewell and welcome June, so named after the Roman goddess of marriage and childbirth, as well as the protector of the Roman Empire. But what is an empire to a goddess? In an interview between well-known astrologers, Chris Brennan and Demetra George, George took on the mythology of June and what it can mean for the asteroid Juno’s significance in our collective astrology. She connected the meaning of Juno to “women’s equity across the board” tracing her myth out from under the bounds of patriarchy and remembering her history as an archaic goddess, powerful in her own right and invested in equitable partnership. 
This week begins with a new moon in Gemini on the morning of 30th May, which makes a challenging aspect to the asteroid Juno in Pisces. Juno in Pisces is a dreamer; she believes another world is possible and she wants to co-create that world with partners whose imaginations are as powerful as hers. The moon in Gemini loves a good story, but she prefers an equal mix of fantasy and facts, especially when it comes to planning for the future. While those two push and pull against each other, Mercury (Gemini’s ruler) makes a square aspect to Saturn in Aquarius, echoing themes of misunderstanding. Mercury’s retrograde status highlights the need for renegotiations and prompts us to examine how we resist coalition when it is most necessary.
Meanwhile, Mars moves alongside Jupiter (Juno’s Partner) in the sky, a combined force that is fiery and forceful in Aries. The fire that burns at the heart of this transit is like all fires: both vital and violent. The elements play a part in how things spread out. What happens under such a transit may appear outside the purview of the airy moon and her conversation with watery Juno but, rest assured, all things are not-so-delicately interconnected.

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