Your Weekly Horoscope: October 31, 2021

Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
It’s the end of October, but Scorpio season is only getting more powerful. After Saturday’s square aspect between the Sun in Scorpio and Saturn in Aquarius, Mars returned to his underworld home of Scorpio. Between veils, where time is far from linear, apparitions are to be expected. Apparitions, we know, exist on both sides: ancestors, ghouls, past selves, and ex-girlfriends alike. Likewise, Mars in Scorpio can feel both natural and supernatural. In Scorpio, Mars tunes into the undercurrent of will, the psychic power of one’s own influence. As the days grow shorter and shorter, we rekindle our relationship to the dark. The reshaping of our days allows us to perceive the ways that our communications and our agreements naturally flow toward further possibilities. Monday’s trine between Mercury in Libra and Jupiter in Aquarius can be the spell that seals the deals, if we want. We become more aware of the power of our words — how saying something makes it more real; how self-affirmation is also spell work. 
Monday also ushers in an inconjunct aspect between the Sun in Scorpio and Chiron in Aries. This aspect is an uncomfortable reminder that while our words have power, it can be difficult to access that power when we have been taught to fear it in ourselves. This fear takes many forms, like not asking for what we want and agreeing to what we don’t. Mars’ transit through Scorpio can heighten these feelings, encouraging obsessive behaviour. Scorpios pride themselves on their perception and ability to *know* another person. This week is a good time to remember that setting up dominoes isn’t the same thing as witnessing people for who they are.
Besides, Mercury in Libra is still in the shadow of their retrograde until November 3rd, managing to square Pluto in Capricorn before rounding into the clear. Avoid secret tests, especially in response to the communication breakdowns Mercury Rx could have brought up. With Thursday’s opposition between the Sun in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus, it’s important to only uncover as much as you are ready to know. Especially in relationships where certain truths can pull the entire foundation out. Put whatever detective energy that bubbles up to good use: Read a mystery novel, dig up a time capsule, uncover a sexy money-making scheme. Variations of the last option will find a great deal of support from the universe as Venus slides into Capricorn on Friday the 5th and Mercury sidles into Scorpio.

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