The Sneaky Ways In Which The Sun Is Getting To You

Illustrated by Anna Sudit.
The days spent in the park without continuously lathering up (or spraying) your bod in suncream are over — at least, they better be! The importance of wearing SPF to protect ourselves from harmful rays, and keep wrinkles and premature ageing at bay, has been drilled into our brains ('cause it's true!).
But, as it so often happens with healthy habits, once you adopt one, you find out ways you can be doing it even better. You may see what we're getting at here: You need to wear sunscreen a whole lot more often than you probably do — every day, in fact.
Those rays have devious ways of getting to your skin when you'd never expect it, even covered up! (Yes, even indoors.) Read on to discover all the sneaky ways the sun may be getting to your skin.

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