10. Mini-Mozart:
"This 13 year old makes us wonder what the rest of us have accomplished."
9. These guys met on Twitter—Shut up!:
"There are so many ways to make new friends nowadays."
3. MTA Ballers
"Some people like the subway even more than your friendly transit vloggers."
4. Psychics, Astronauts and Rappers:
"Sometimes, less than ideal things go down on the subway."
5. Lingerie, Moses and Bach:
"Be sure to find out what the homeless man was singing."
7. Please Do Not Stop Watching Before The Dance Break:
"There are all kinds of performers underground."
8. Whip My Bacon Rolls:
"The founders of www.rapgenius.com hypnotize us with their words of wisdom."
9. Shrinks, Dead People, and Photojournalism:
Meet a life-long New Yorker, old friends and a photojournalist freshly returned from Iraq.
10. Vikings, Tattoos, and Doctors Without Borders:
"What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen on the train? Share your stories here."