Starbucks Will Raise Prices On Certain Items, Plus More Stories

1. Major News: The FBI is not recommending criminal charges in the case involving Hillary Clinton's use of private email servers.

"We are expressing to [the Department of] Justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case," FBI Director James Comey said in a statement to the press Tuesday. The FBI's investigation did conclude, however, that Clinton and staff were "extremely careless in their handling of highly classified" information exchanged over email. (Read More)

2. Geek Out: NASA's Juno spacecraft entered Jupiter's orbit.

After five years and $1.1 billion, the momentous event occurred in fitting patriotic fashion, happening just before midnight on the Fourth of July. (Read More)

3. World News: Scientists discovered a drug-resistant "super bacteria" in Rio's waters.

The discovery comes ahead of the 2016 Olympic Games. "We still need more studies to tell what would be the risk to human health of this exposure through the water," lead researcher Renata Picao told CNN of the findings. (CNN)

4. On The Trail: President Obama made his first appearance on the campaign trail at a rally with Hillary Clinton.

Obama endorsed Clinton's presidential bid last month. He joined Clinton at an event in Charlotte, NC, on Tuesday. Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump was also in the state on Tuesday, delivering a speech in Raleigh. (Reuters)
Photo: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images.

5. Here At Home: Kevin Durant has announced that he will sign with the Golden State Warriors.

After nine seasons, Durant is leaving the Oklahoma City Thunder. "The primary mandate I had for myself in making this decision was to have it based on the potential for my growth as a player," Durant wrote in a blog post about the decision. "But I am also at a point in my life where it is of equal importance to find an opportunity that encourages my evolution as a man: moving out of my comfort zone to a new city and community which offers the greatest potential for my contribution and personal growth." (The Huffington Post)

6. Real Talk: On July 12, Starbucks will raise its prices on select menu items.

As of right now, Starbucks has not revealed exactly how much prices will be increased, or which menu items will be affected. According to Eater, this is part of an annual price increase, which Starbucks has been implementing for the past two years. (Read More)

7. Tech Talk: Apple will give U.S. iPhone users the ability to join the national organ-donor registry through its Health app.

Starting with the iOS 10 update this fall, Apple will allow U.S. iPhone users to join the national organ-donor registry through its Health app. Tim Cook, Apple's CEO, said in the announcement that the push was inspired by Steve Jobs's wait to undergo a liver transplant in 2009. (Read More)

8. ICYMI: A new music video lets you change the actors in real time.

French electronic duo Cassius shot a video for “The Missing” that allows viewers to change the actors as the video is happening. If you want to see a gay couple, a straight couple, or just a couple of people that are changing their gender and appearance at random, you’re free to make that happen. The effect is both strange and thrilling. (Read More)

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