The Most Ridiculous “Sexy” Halloween Costumes

What we love about Halloween is simple: It's a chance to don a persona that you wouldn't otherwise, show off your creativity and wit in a very in-your-face way, and update your Facebook profile with a picture of yourself in a beard doing shots of Patron with a Stormtrooper. And, of course, it seems like it's also a chance to show off your stuff without getting a citation for public indecency. There are the classic sexy Halloween costumes: the sexy cat, the sexy nurse, the sexy Dorothy... but after trawling through some online shops, there also seem to be some rather unorthodox sexy costumes that we might see stumbling down Broadway come the 31st. From the offensively un-punny to the offensively confusing to the plain old offensively offensive, here are the most ridiculous sexy Halloween costumes we've found that provide some WTF to go with that T&A.

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