A 15-Minute Workout That Truly Kicks Butt

We know how it goes. Every year, no matter how committed you are around say, October, at some point during the holiday season the powers of delicious treats cause you to throw all restraint out the window. But, hey, what's the holidays without a little bit of indulgence, right? But, rather than putting yourself through an unnecessary guilt trip, why not skip the stress and commit to a quick, at-home, full-body workout that will keep you free of gaining any winter weight?
We turned to model-of-the-moment Adrianne Ho — who recently launched Sweat The Style , a rad new website in which she dishes tips for maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle, as well as modeling some seriously chic workout clothes — to guide us through her personal, 15-minute workout. For the perfect, no-gym workout, Ho swears by the tabata interval method. "A standard tabata is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. You then repeat this 30-second routine a total of eight times," Ho explains. "It's the best way to burn the most calories in the shortest amount of time, and it will have your metabolism still going even hours after you're done." For this workout, we will maximize our time by doing three different tabata supersets (in which we'll alternate between two exercises for each tabata), four times each.
What are you waiting for? Grab a timer or stopwatch, find a soft surface in your house, and get ready to burn off those holiday cookies!

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