Oh those lazy hazy days of summer. When the hell will they get here already? If you're needing a taste of the sweet season absolutelyrightnow, look no further than Wlidfox Couture's sun-bleached,"Sweet Valley HIgh" themed summer '11 lookbook. Shot, so they claim, at Ferris Buller's house, the whole production has that late-80s, early 90s vibe with enough splashing by the pool and post fun-in-the sun pizza party excitement to have us reminiscing about the warm-weather pleasures of watermelon, frozen Charleston Chews, and Huey Lewis. Even that Regan-Era icon of good times, Garfield, makes a cameo appearance in this collection of sexy neon-accented swimsuits, superextracute t-shirts, and playful retro hippie dresses. Right now, summer feels so close, we can smell the chlorine and cut grass.
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