Thought they'd already made every app under the sun? What about an app that actually helps you be happy? Yeah, we know, your Instagram app makes you smile, but this new app—called Hapify —is a real world, dare we say, scientific happiness helper. Think of it as a (h)app(y) how-to. The key to the Hapify app (which launched last week in NYC) is sharing what makes you, well, happy, aka the new Game of Thrones episode or the Starbucks on Canal Street. Sounds simple, but what is going on behind the scenes is not so basic—in effect, Hapify is creating an immense database of things that evoke happy emotional responses, with the end goal of being able to recommend happiness to users through a created algorithm. So far, findings have found that one third of all happiness involves eating or drinking and that romance makes men happier than women, even if women watch more rom-coms. The 1,500 users already signed up have also determined that the happiest place in NYC is the Flatiron District and 8 p.m. is the happiest time of the day. If Facebook met Prozac, it might look something like this...