Remember 1990? Some of you reading this can't. Michael Keaton was Batman, cell phones were for coke dealers and the stock brokers they dealt coke to, Karl Lagerfeld was a big ol' dumpling, and everyone who was anyone went to the mall. "What's the mall", you say? Imagine combining Facebook with Amazon, throwing it into a massive prison complex with an international food court, and getting the whole town to show up and you're halfway there. Luckily, Michael Galinksy collected some photos of mall life at its heady heights in 1990 and, we saw that, fashion-wise, there was a lot to learn, loathe, and love from a look at things back then. So come on with us, won't you, back to the mall. For all 60 images, please click through to How To Be A Retronaut! (How To Be A Retronaut)

One must always look one's best when going to the mall.

You may be looking at this kid's killer getup, but we're looking at that mannequin's killer pants.

Someone behind him yelled, "Hey, Awesome!"

Flannel: Still hot. Hair drapes: Still not.

So, would you buy it?

Apparently, in 1990 Sears was American Apparel.

Oh the things we would do for this shirt today.

If you ask us, airbrushing is due for a comeback.

Where's a time machine when you need one?

And making a guest appearance, Matthew McConaughey from "Dazed & Confused".

By now, this kid would be in his mid to late twenties and his mullet would be down to the floor.

Loving the red boots and unstructured leopard-print coat on this... lady dude?

What world?

We have absolutely no idea what's going on here. Lost to history we guess.

Batman themes were HUGE across the F/W '90 collections.

Maybe we've been staring at these pics too long, but we love her look.

O.G. = Original Goths. Respect.

In case you don't remember, this was the 1990 version of the ideal male.

"And then, like, Tara, was all, like, 'whatever', and I was, like...."

We like to think he's still there.