As if we don't already spend enough time on the addictive site, endlessly searching for healthy recipes, decor ideas, and awesome DIYs, we now have a whole new reason to distract ourselves at work. The First Lady joined the Pinterest revolution, and in doing so, officially became the coolest mom ever. The account is technically run by the 2012 campaign, so to differentiate Michelle's pins from those of staffers, anything she pins is signed with "MO." Her page is still a work in progess, but she already has three boards: Around the White House, Great Memories, and Father's Day.
The pins make us crush a little more on MObama, and the whole First Family in general (Old wedding pics? Swoon). She's already racked up 761 followers (make that 762!), and we're sure she's on her way to full-on Pinterest domination. Now if you'll excuse us, we're off to pin our little hearts out in the hopes she might follow us back. (Pinterest)

Photo: Via Pinterest