Watch The U.S. Soccer Gals Party In The U.S.A. London (Miley Style)

The Olympic opening ceremony may be on Friday, but soccer (erm, football) competitions kick off a couple of days early to compensate for the number of matches that must be played. As a result, the ladies repping Team USA arrived at Olympic Village extra early — probably to adjust to the time change and get some real, hardcore practice in, right? Well, only partially.
In what we believe to be an experimental team-bonding activity (or because you practically don't exist unless you have a viral hit these days), the women's soccer team lip-synced to Miley Cyrus' earworm of summer's past, "Party in the U.S.A.," bringing their all-American dance moves to London and blowing off some steam in advance of their first game against France on Wednesday. We wish them the best of luck and sincerely hope that their footwork is fancier on the field than it is on the dance floor. (The Daily

Photo: Via MrsGoing4gold's YouTube

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