Men are from Mars; women are from Venus: That old adage is something we generally consider to be pretty outdated. We're all mature enough to realize that when it comes to boys and girls, we have more in common than our Victorian-era counterparts could ever have imagined. That said, we still find ourselves wondering on a fairly regular basis just what the heck is going on in the minds of our friends, coworkers, and significant others. If you've ever felt like maybe the sexes did come from different planets (or different Prometheus aliens who disintegrated their DNA into a waterfall, or whatever), wonder no more: has all the answers in an exhaustive survey of men and women's intimate takes on just about every subject from Barack Obama to Facebook etiquette.
You really gotta click through to see the addictive results in full, but we'll whet your appetite with a few of our faves right now. Men tend to believe in aliens, while women go for ghosts (what does this mean? No idea, but we like it). On the celebrity front, women are bone-tired of hearing about Kim Kardashian, and Justin Bieber's not doing great, either. Both men and women list "a family" as the ultimate status symbol, but an equal number of women list "an attractive husband or boyfriend."
The really good news? Everybody steals from the office, so don't worry about that stash of paper clips you're hoarding in the bottom of your bag. And, not surprisingly, both men and women are dressing to impress the ladies — whether to impress or seduce. Click through to check out the full results. If you're able to stop yourself from spending a solid 20 minutes looking through the stats, congratulations: You really are an alien. (Ask Men)

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