It's true, partying it up at André Balazs's Standard Hotels is a blast — but we've yet to meet someone who went so overboard as to wet their trousers (although stranger things have happened)! In what may be the most unsanitary campaign since Harvey Nichols' sale fliers, the hotel's new ads feature three almost-NSFW photographs by Erwin Wurm, one of which includes a female guest relieving herself sans toilet.
The snaps are part of a series titled "How to Be Politically Incorrect," and, as you can imagine, they're raising eyebrows left and right. Though each of the three vignettes are vulgar in their own unique way, the pic of a chick urinating on a rug was so offensive that the
New York Times
refused to print a detailed description in its "family newspaper." Yikes!
Feel free to cruise on over to the Standard's site to snag a framed version for your abode (the $2,000 work of art would be a humorous addition to the bathroom, don't you think?), or sit tight 'til it appears in publications such as CR Fashion Book, Interview, V magazine, and many more. Is the pee-soaked trend something we'll be seeing more of? Well, we can bet our dry cleaner certainly hopes not! (Huff Post L.A.)

Photo: Via Huff Post L.A.