Our most beloved child-star-turned-adult-talent Drew Barrymore and husband, Will Kopelman, just welcomed a baby girl into the world. And it took her four days to tell us. We would be horribly insulted if we weren't so busy being excited!
The lovely little lady's name is Olive (thank goodness, a normal celebrity baby name for once). Turns out Barrymore might have psychic powers, because she's actually predicted in the past that she would one day give birth to a girl. The happy couple just got married in June of this year, and, needless to say, 2012 is a big one in their lives! Kopelman's dad was at one point the CEO of Chanel, so we're expecting some very chic baby clothes to arrive courtesy of one K. Lagerfeld any day now. (E! Online)

Image via E! Online.