First things first: Jessica Biel is a well-dressed lady who is incredibly beautiful, to boot. Not a bad combo. But, here, we have her poised and ready to set off the nearest metal detector with a vengeance in not just one item of overly studded clothing — but five. (Granted, one may just be metal beading, but this outfit still has enough detailing going on to stand in for a Hell's Angels' three-piece suit.) We count the jacket, pants, boots, bag, and somehow her shirt, too.
Jess, we can't say that this outfit is not working, because it is certainly working...overtime (or for the weekend? Or maybe too hard to stop?). We love Jessica but seriously worry about her being around any sort of large magnet, or maybe even on an easily poke-able water bed. And, wearing all that leather in the rain can't be good for its longevity. When it comes studded items on an outfit, two's a pair, three's a crowd, four is a party, and five is some sort of mind explosion.
Photo: KCS/Splash News