Trump’s Obama “October Surprise” Is Neither Revealing Nor Surprising

Perpetual opinions-haver and hair-wearer Donald Trump has been touting his "October Surprise" for a few weeks now, teasing a revelation that might just change everything. Or something. (Or, maybe even nothing...?) Today, after rumors of divorce papers, cocaine dealing, or the claim that (seriously) Obama may be an extraterrestrial, he released a video, saying, "I have a deal for the president. A deal I don't believe he can refuse, and I hope he doesn't."
The gist of the video, below, is pretty clear. If Obama gives in to Trump and releases his college records, plus his passport application (geez, does anyone know where that thing is?), then Trump will give $5 million to a charity of the president's choice.
There are a couple of words that are used when one party promises to give money to another party in exchange for an action. A good one might be "hostage holding." Another one might be "bribing." And though Trump has the funds to clearly give this money to any of the charities he mentions, he is threatening to hold it unless President Obama takes time out of his campaign to address The Donald. ( has announced that Obama's records are not sealed, but because of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, none of these universities are allowed to release information unless Obama asks, which is something no other president has released.)
Hopefully, Obama won't give in. This is pandering to the worst degree, and we all (from both political parties) have better things on which to focus. (TMZ)

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