Once upon a time, public opinion was that Missouri candidate Todd Akin's road to the U.S. Senate would be more or less smooth sailing. But when he made the now-infamous "legitimate rape" comment, it quickly became clear that Democrat Claire McCaskill stood a very good chance of winning the race. Last night, our dreams came true — though we were fairly confident she would prevail, there was still a lingering fear that even such a heinous comment would not be enough to sway voters. Her acceptance speech was triumphant, heart-warming, and the icing on top of a well-earned cake.
Now, not to belittle her victory (which is really a symbolic victory for women everywhere) or turn the focus away from what's really important, but we just couldn't help but notice two very stylish sidekicks in a number of photos of Senator McCaskill. We're used to the first family's perfect outfits by now, but McCaskill's daughters are officially two chic new players on the style scene! We were particularly impressed with that charming milkmaid braid paired with red lipstick and a jumper.
Further research revealed this was no fluke: Earlier that morning, the senator tweeted a photo of her two daughters waiting to vote and looking equally stylish. Heeled boots, anoraks, and a top bun? Sounds like a recipe for success. (Styleite)
Photo: via STL Today's Facebook/via Claire McCaskill's Twitter.