Not since Britney/Justin broke up in 2002 have our tweenage dreams been so crushed... here was a clean-cut couple that was rock-solid, a model of stability in the drug-ridden/sex-tape-scattered waters of teenage stardom. Hyperbole aside, we all kind of knew it was a matter of time before the pop princess and prince ditched the happy ending, and the cause was definitely in our stable of potential scenarios. Turns out Selener (talk about bad timing: Nicki Minaj's new duet with JB, "Beauty and a Beat," just bestowed Gomez that genius handle) ended the relationship due to "trust issues," according to
(usually a credible source). While Bieber, in an upcoming Oprah episode confesses, "I don't ever want her to feel like I'm ashamed of her," it seems that Gomez couldn't cope with the crazy schedules and heavy media scrutiny that's dogged the couple's nearly two years together.