We don't know about you, but it took us a hot minute to realize that the high cheekbones, big eyes, and pouty lips on the cover of the January issue of Harper's Bazaar Australia belong to Ms. Kate Bosworth. The fact that her name was on the cover was, honestly, a big help here. Obviously, the photog is blowing out her features with a ton of light (see other black-and-white shots from the same story) — the pink-and-neutral makeup is throwing us off a bit, too. As well, we only get one of her eyes in this shot, denying us a look at her trademark heterochromia iridum (a very groovy mutation). But, of course, our minds turn to the specter of Photoshopping, which may have been used to render The Bos into something resembling Angelina Jolie.
What do you guys think? Could you spot her? (Coco Perez)
Photo: Courtesy Harper's Bazaar Australia