Nicki Who? Ms. Minaj Gets A Major Makeover For Elle

Presumed hologram/alien life form Nicki Minaj has just done something that's managed to shock us more than any of her crazy getups of days past. The star appears on Joe Zee's April issue of Elle sans wigs, costumes, and Barbie-inspired makeup, with the tagline "like you've never seen her before."
And honestly, it's true. Girl usually goes so far beyond all-out that we practically forgot what she really looked like, if we ever knew in the first place. And it sounds like this makeunder was no easy undertaking, either: "I'm so, so attached to my pink lipstick, it's hard," Minaj says in the cover story. "I feel that it's become a part of me. To go in front of the camera, without pink lips or big ol' crazy lashes — you know, nothing — I felt naked. It was scary! So. this photo shoot was a real accomplishment in my eyes."
Though she's not exactly 100% natural in this spread (platinum-blonde hair and false eyelashes still feature), she still looks fresh and absolutely gorgeous. Minaj recently fired her stylist and beauty team in a quiet PR overhaul, so maybe this is indicative of the new image we can expect to see in the future? (Elle)
Photos: Thomas Whiteside/Courtesy of Elle.

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