Rescue Beauty Lounge Debuts Words (And Nail Polishes) To Live By

We've always thought of discovering a divine new nail polish shade as somewhat of a transcendental experience, and based on Rescue Beauty Lounge's latest polish collection, looks like we're not alone.
Founder Ji Baek's latest, called Emoting Me, features a very personal backstory: "I'm convinced that if one is truly ready to learn, this generous universe paves the road in front of us. The trick is knowing when to admit the desire to take that first baby step. Sadly for me, my desire came five years ago, when my beloved mother-in-law left this earth. I read self-help books and came across many sparkling wise words that we're told should accompany our daily lives, and learned that I'm responsible for my own emotions and the energy I give out." Wise words indeed.
Baek took that enlightened thinking and created a collection of seven polishes named after the uplifting and inspiring words or phrases that she tries to say each day: Thank You, Be Humble, Forgiveness, Smile, Pause, Become One, and Turn It Around. While brands often say that a product is their "baby" or that they poured their heart and soul into it, in this instance Baek is actually sharing herself on a deeply personal level, as well as passing on some knowledge that she had to go on a journey of the soul in order to find. There's nothing we love more than beauty with a deeper meaning and a positive message.
Click through to commune with the shades, then head on over to RBL to stock up. They're available right now for a 48-hour pre-order before they are released to the rest of the world at the end of the month.
Rescue Beauty Lounge Emoting Me Nail Polish, $20 each, available at Rescue Beauty Lounge.

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