In case you didn't get enough of Prince Charles romping around as a royal baby, you're about to get the chance to know him even more intimately: For the first time, Charles has allowed cameras to film the royal family artistry at Windsor Castle as part of an ITV documentary. The documentary, Royal Paintbox, features some one-on-one time with Charles, where he discusses his passion for painting, and the importance of time spent in solitude.
Charles never received special training, having been taught by his father. Nonetheless, he'll show off his painting skills with a portrait of the Queen and some cloud and landscape pieces. We'll also get to see some artwork by the Queen herself — from when she was just nine years old. Apparently, Charles uses painting as a form of escape from the pressures of public life, and sees his work as an important piece of his legacy. He told the ITV filmmakers, "You know, we walk away and shuffle off our mortal coil, but these things live on [...] It's still you. It's a part of you that's still here. The rest of you is gone."
His poetic philosophy on life and legacy combined with the sage-like wisdom of having a "me party" every once in a while pretty much have us wrapped around his royal finger. Royal Paintbox airs on ITV Tuesday at 10:35 p.m., or you can catch the Royal Paintbox exhibition in person at the Drawings Gallery at Windsor Castle from June 22 to January 24. (Daily Mail)

Images: Via Daily Mail