Watch: This Woman Turned Her Daily Commute Into An Internet Sensation

How do you feel about your daily commute? Not the best part of the day is it? Sometimes the only thing to get you through the packed tube carriages and airless interchanges is your favorite jam blaring through your i-phone. We share your pain.
That’s why we salute Ellie Coles, for taking it one step further. In a video uploaded to YouTube last week, Coles is filmed in her hometown of Eastleigh jiving away as she waits for a bus. We are not just talking toe tapping and finger snapping. There are elaborate hand flicks and cross over body kicks in this extended two minute dance display.
As she explains, “I have my headphones in every day on the way back from work and I just can’t help myself — I just dance. My mum thinks I’m bonkers. But I’m a normal 34-year-old woman who just loves to dance.” Quite right, though we’re not too sure we’d have the guts to do this while waiting for the 8.05 to Victoria. What about you? Let us know in the comments section. (The Times)

Photo: Courtesy of Transport for London

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