How To Be Funny On Twitter — A Professional Guide

We all want to win at Twitter. Every re-tweet, favorite, and @ mention is like a little pat on the back. But can you narrow the platform's niche sense of humor down to a science?
Probably not. But Megan Amram, who began as a free-time Tweeter and worked her way up to a job writing for Parks & Recreation, has a few tips to at least meet a baseline of funniness. Treat it like poetry, she says. And don't steer clear of puns you would avoid in real life — we're in full agreement that those 140 characters pack a unique punch that, somehow, reads best in that special medium when it wouldn't work anywhere else. And perhaps most importantly, if you're gonna shock, you better be ready to take the heat.
Head over to Co.Create to see her extensive list of how to do it right — but just don't get your hopes up. We can't all work on Parks & Rec. Sigh. (Fast Company)

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