Smarts & Sass In 140 Characters: Hillary Clinton Joins Twitter

She may have taken her own sweet time about it, but good things come to those who wait — and today, the wait is over. New York mag's Daily Intelligencer reports that former first lady/senator/secretary of state Hillary Clinton officially joined Twitter today. She's keeping it in the family right now — she's only following her hubby Bill, daughter Chelsea, the Clinton Global Initiative, and the Clinton Foundation so far, but we're excited to see what happens when she starts to interact with the Twitterverse. A few things to anticipate? Plenty of sass and the occasional joke. After all, her official bio states that she's a "hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, glass ceiling cracker" — keep that wry humor coming, Hillz! And, as the mag points out, there's an interest-piqueing little TBD at the end. Maybe she's leaving room for "2016 presidential candidate" there? (New York)

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