Bookmark This Now: Conscious Clothes That Are Actually Cute

For pro shoppers, knowing about trends and fits is just one part of the process. The other part — knowing about the players involved in constructing the garment, how its manufacturing has impacted the environment, and whether its materials fall within your own ethical guidelines — is just as, if not more, important. Enter, Helpsy: the newest addition to our bookmark bar that will help you start making the switch over to an entirely socially conscious wardrobe.
Helpsy is an online store that only sells products that meet ethical standards. Created by Parsons graduate Rachel Kibbe, it distinguishes its merchandise not by style, but on its "Helpsy Qualities” with categories such as cruelty free, recycled, locally produced, and more. And better yet, the stuff is cute, and not just in the "cute for eco-friendly" way.
Kibbe proves that you don’t have to sacrifice style to be socially responsible. With its motto of “Look Good, Do Good,” Helpsy is spearheading the movement toward a more wholly ethical fashion industry.

Photo: Courtesy of Helpsy